Weight and Strength Exercises for Osteoporosis

Prevent Osteoporosis With Strength and Weight Training

Strength and weight training exercises help to prevent osteoporosis and its progression. Let’s examine why strength and weight training for osteoporosis is important for the health of your bones and determine what types of activities provide the most benefits.

How Can Strength and Weight Training Exercises Help Me?

Strength and weight training exercises help to preserve bone mass. They help your bones to remain heavy and dense. Bones which have been affected by osteoporosis are weak and subject to fracturing. They have a spongy or lacy appearance on the inside. When strength and weight training exercises are used in conjunction with a healthy diet, and adequate mineral intake, they diminish the development and progression of osteoporosis. As a result you experience less pain and deformity. Your bones will be more resistant to fractures. With less likelihood of fractures occurring, you will experience a lower risk of developing complications which often result from fractures. These include pneumonia, blood clots, and immobility. You may even increase your lifespan. Your level of independence and quality of life will be maintained or improved. You will be more flexible, feel empowered and experience less stress. By engaging in a regular weight and strength training exercise program, you will feel healthier overall, have more energy, and sleep better at night.

Beginning a Weight and Strength Training Exercise Program

It is important that you perform exercises which meet your your individual needs, so consult with your health care provider before beginning an exercise program , particularly if you have a diagnosis of osteoporosis. Your health care provider may advise you to begin a strength and weight training exercise program on your own or the provider may refer you to a physical therapist. If you have been given the go ahead to begin an exercise program independently, you may still want to consider consulting with an athletic trainer for personalized attention.

Tips for Beginning a Weight and Strength Training Exercise Program

Here are some tips for beginning a safe and effective strength and weight training program.

  • Be realistic about your abilities. Set goals which you can easily accomplish. It is important that you create a program which you will adhere to.
  • Be patient. The key to reaping benefits from a weight and strength training exercise program is perseverance.
  • While a weight and strength training exercise program will improve the health of your bones, be aware that you need to incorporate other types of exercises in order to have a full body work out. Additional exercises are needed to enhance cardiovascular health and promote weight loss.
  • If you experience pain or fatigue, stop exercising. Overdoing weight and strength training exercises may result in fracture, pain, and immobility. Be flexible and willing to modify your workout based upon your abilities.
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  • Consider exercising with a buddy.
  • Engage in an exercise program which you enjoy. You will be more likely to stick with it.
  • Think about your exercise style. Do you like to exercise at home, or in a gym better? What time of day works best for you? Individualize your program to meet your needs.
  • Reward yourself for exercising. While the greatest rewards are the health benefits which you receive, most of us respond better when we have a more immediate reward. Consider rewarding yourself with a massage, special bath products, or a nap.
  • If you don’t exercise for a few days, don’t throw in the towel. Simply begin again. Start slowly.
  • Perform warm up exercises for several minutes before beginning your weight and strength training exercise routine.
  • Enjoy a cool down period when you are through exercising.
  • If it is too difficult for you to do all of your exercises each day in one session, consider breaking up your exercise routine into shorter sessions which fit into your schedule.

Next Page: Types of Exercises and How to Get Started

Types of Weight and Strength Training Exercises

The types of weight and strength training exercises which you engage in are dependent upon your goals, physical abilities, general level of wellness and personal preferences. If you are taking steps to prevent osteoporosis, you may want to engage in vigorous exercises using weight machines at a gym or use weights at home. You can even lift soup cans or books if you do not have weights. Flexible resistance training bands are inexpensive, portable, and give a good workout.

If you already have osteoporosis, you need to indulge in activities which are non-jarring and reduce the impact on your skeleton. Many strength and weight training exercises may be performed if you are in a wheel chair or bed bound.

Isometric Exercises Are Right for Everyone

Isometric exercises are excellent strengthen exercises because they do not jar your joints. They act by toning the tissues which surround your joints. Isometric exercises present a low risk of causing injury. They can help to prevent pain and swelling.

Here are some easy isometrics which you can do right now. Try to do isometric exercises frequently throughout your day. They may be performed anyplace, at no cost.

Tense the muscles in your toes and feet. Hold for a few seconds. Relax the muscles. Progress gradually through your ankles, calves, and thighs. Continue tensing and relaxing your muscles all the way up to your head. In addition to increasing strength, these exercises are very relaxing. They relieve discomfort.

Exercise Your Arms

A simple exercise which will help to build arm back, and shoulder strength is to simply extend your arms. Make small and then large circles while holding your arms at your sides, outstretched, or over your head. For additional benefits, perform these exercises while holding light weights.

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Water Aerobics Provides Safe Resistance Training

Water aerobics improves bone strength without the risk injury which regular aerobics presents. In addition, they provide an outstanding total body workout. Simply walking in water builds bone strength due to the resistance which the water offers. Your flexibility will be enhanced. Complete a routine which exercises your upper and lower body.

Yoga Keeps You Strong and Flexible

Yoga builds strength and promotes relaxation. Like water aerobics, yoga can be used for a full body workout. Yoga helps to for reduce pain and stiffness. Take a class, buy a DVD, or engage in one of the many yoga classes which are available on television.

Get Started

Make an appointment with your health care provider to determine what type of weight training and strengthening exercise program will benefit you most. Think about what types of weight training and strengthening exercises sound the most enjoyable to you. Set clear goals for yourself. Learn about exercise programs which are available in your location. Set goals for yourself. Within a few weeks of starting your weight training and strengthening program, you will feel better, have more energy, as well as increased flexibility, endurance, and strength. You will experience the satisfaction of knowing that you have chosen to take the steps needed to promote the strength of your bones so that you can lead a long healthy, independent life.

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