Water Therapy

Benefits of Water Therapy for Osteoporosis Sufferers

According to study, around 44 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis. Of these numbers, over 90 percent of people are over the age of 50. Experts say that about 34 million more Americans suffer from low bone mass, which could ultimately end up being osteoporosis. When you have osteoporosis, treatment is key, and luckily there’s several different treatment methods available to help you manage your symptoms. Water therapy is one form of therapy that many people love because of the way the water effects the bones. By learning more about water therapy for osteoporosis, you can determine if this form of treatment is right for your needs.

Water Therapy for Side-Effects

When you have osteoporosis, even the slightest bit of activity can make your daily living difficult for you. Because of the painful side-effects of osteoporosis, many treatment methods outside of medication can be difficult for patients. However, water therapy is different because while you’re in the water, your weight is non-existent, making it easy for you to spend long periods of time in the water without additional pain occurring. Water offers patients with osteoporosis with a safe environment where physical therapy and exercise can take place, all while preventing additional weight on the joints.

While taking part in water therapy, many patients with osteoporosis are able to increase their muscle strength, reduce pain that occurs within the joints, and improve the rate at which their body recovers. Most patients with osteoporosis are aware of the risks that come along with falling. Due to issues with stability, patients are at a risk of falling, and just one fall could easily break one or more bones - leading to even more problems. However, water therapy helps patients with osteoporosis improve their balance, which reduces the risk of a fall. Likewise, water therapy helps to improve proprioception, which is the ability for your body to sense positions of your muscles and bones which also works to improve your balance and prevent falls.

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Most patients who take part in water therapy feel as if they develop a higher level of self-esteem. While the risk of fall, pain, or injury may have kept you from taking part in different activities, your new found confidence allows you to complete your daily tasks without that old fear. This sense of confidence helps you to feel more relaxed throughout the day, allowing you to experience an overall better quality of life.

Finding Water Therapy Classes

If you think water therapy may be a good option for your needs, you’ll want to find a class in your local area. Classes vary in meet times. Some meet once per-week while others meet daily, and it’s important to determine how much you’d like to join in on a class before deciding on the one that’s right for you. Your doctor’s office may be able to provide you with information on water therapy classes in your area, or a quick online search will offer you with information on the options available to you within the local area and contact information.

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