Improving Your Balance

How to Keep Balance With Osteoporosis

It may have been painful for you to learn that you have osteoporosis; you may have fallen repeatedly, or fractured you hip in a relatively minor accident. This fragility may make you fearful of exercise, but it is important to work out, and the following article will explain why.

The Benefits of Fitness

Regular exercise helps maintain good posture, helps us to move with more flexibility, allows us to have stronger bones and joints and improves balance. This will help you to avoid falls, fractures and disability, so that you can enjoy your life. Consider working with a physical therapist to created a fitness plan tailored to you. Try using the following exercises before, during, or after you begin your new fitness program.

Balance Exercises

You can improve balance and decrease the chances of falling or breaking a bone by practicing the following two exercises:

1. Toe raises and heel rises

Begin by standing straight, while holding onto the back of a chair or high bench at all times. Raise your toes for 10-20 seconds, and then lower back on your heels. This is one rep. Perform 10 reps every day.

2. Wall slide

Begin this exercise by standing with your heels one-foot length from the wall and your feet shoulder width apart. Bring your buttocks, arms and shoulders against the wall, and tuck your chin down. Pull in your abdomen and keep it flat during the entire exercise. Start to slide up and down by bending your knees as if you were sitting on a chair, for 20 seconds. This is one rep. Perform 10 reps, three times a week.

The toe/heel raises also improve the strength of your legs and lower body, while the wall slide will keep your abdomen and back strong, help your legs align better and improve your overall posture.

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These two exercises are particularly helpful is you already experienced falls in the past or if you find yourself losing balance during normal , day to day activities. It is normal to feel a bit wobbly when you start these exercises, but not to the point of falling. In time, you may need less support (hold onto the chair) and need only to touch it with the fingertips.

Other beneficial exercises

Other exercises should be added to your workout to create a well-rounded balance. For example, posture exercises will optimize your posture, decrease “sloping" shoulders and thus avoid injuries of the spine. Hip and back strengthening exercises are another group of exercises specifically designed to keep your back and hip muscles strong. Functional exercises will help your joints stay mobile and improve your range of movement. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking or jogging are always a great addition to an exercise plan.

Workout safely. If you experience muscle soreness for more than a day or two (which may be normal) or if you have intense pain, see your doctor or physiotherapist for advice.

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